Saturday, October 1, 2011


So tonight is the runDisney Wine and Dine and I am in New England.  I wish I was down there with everyone else, but given that I am not I though I would go out for a great run on my own.  It was another of my day into night runs.  I hit the bike path while it was still light and then switched over to the road when night arrived.  I left with my water bottle, but forgot a gel pack.  So as my energy began to fade at about 1:40 in I stopped into a convenience store and picked up a 16 oz. Coke.  Sugar, caffeine and flavor.  I nursed it over the next hour and it quickly went flat so there was only a limited amount of carbonation burping.  It really saved me.  Lesson: always run with $5 so that you can save yourself from bonking when you need to.

So how far did I go?  Sixteen Miles Baby!  Longest-Run-Ever!  I took Jeff's advice and went the distance and did not worry about how long it took.  I was running for about 2:55 and when I got home I could still stand, walk, and give myself a shower.  These are all great things in my book.  I don't know how many more miles I could have run this evening.  Over the next few months I just need to add 10 to that number.

So I hope all of you Wine & Diners have a great run and a fantastic time tonight!  I am with you in spirit.  I logged my miles, now it is your turn!

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